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Why is it better to work with a professional translator ?

With online translation services, it became easier to translate any documents. However, only a human translator is capable of relaying the intention and the style of the document. Indeed, before starting the translation of a document, a translator needs to ask themselves many questions : who wrote it, for who, when was is written, what is the purpose ?

Automatic translators often use the word-for-word translation technique which is not always the more adequate solution. Those tools don’t allow the translation of puns, expressions or cultural references.

That is the reason why translation is a full job. Il requires a perfect knowledge of our languages. There’s more ! Cultural knowledge oh the languages we work with is also a requirement.

If you want to avoid any mistranslations you should contact a professional translator.

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Translation from English or German into French of technical, optical, cultural, culinary, journalistic and more documents…

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Checking and correcting the grammar, the spelling and the typography of a French document

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Analysis of a translation EN/DE>FR to correct it depending on the stylistics and the linguistics

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Writing down an audio or video document

Translation areas

– Technical (optical documents, construction, automotive…)
– Scientific (geology, environment…)
– Cultural (tourism, art, cinema…)
– Culinary (cooking books, technical documents…)
– Journalistic (newspaper articles, communication…) 

Tool used for the translation :

– CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation Tool) software : Trados


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